Welcome to the Libertarian Party of Delaware home page, representing the Libertarian Party in Delaware.

Please follow the links to the right for additional information or scroll down for news and updates. If you want to get more involved, in particular please check out our onboarding page.

More Information
We are very active on social media. Please make sure you're following our Twitter and Facebook feeds for announcements, info, and content to share with your network. Also please join our Discord Server to begin connecting immediately with other local Libertarians. You can also find contact information for your local county affiliate officers and representatives on our Staff and Meetings page or get more information about your county affiliate on their respective web pages:
News & Updates
Happy 4/20
HB110 is far from perfect. It does not allow for homegrown cannabis. The regulatory structure and imposed taxes are exorbitant. It is, however, a step in the right direction that will put an end to the suffering of countless individuals who are hurting no one, yet still being introduced to the criminal justice system in a way that is harmful to them, their families, and the state as a whole.
Once the blanket prohibition on the possession of cannabis has been lifted, when the sky fails to fall upon the State of Delaware, we hope that additional legislation can be passed to further liberate the cannabis market and Delaware in general.