Welcome to the Libertarian Party of Delaware home page, representing the Libertarian Party in Delaware.

Please follow the links to the right for additional information or scroll down for news and updates. If you want to get more involved, in particular please check out our onboarding page.

More Information

We are very active on social media. Please make sure you're following our Twitter and Facebook feeds for announcements, info, and content to share with your network. Also please join our Discord Server to begin connecting immediately with other local Libertarians. You can also find contact information for your local county affiliate officers and representatives on our Staff and Meetings page or get more information about your county affiliate on their respective web pages:

News & Updates


The New Castle County LPD is hosting its first Adopt-a-Highway cleanup event for 2021 on April 10th.  Meet up at noon in the parking lot of The Shoppes at Red Lion, 100 Jestan Blvd in New Castle.

The Sussex County LPD is hosting its first Adopt-a-Highway cleanup event for 2021 on April 24th.  Meet up with Sussex County Chair Jimmy Brittingham on the 24th at 8.30a in the Weis Market parking lot on the end nearest Rt 24.  Equipment will be provided.  In case of rain, the rain date is May 1st.