Approval of agenda: Meeting called to order at 17:20 EST. Will 1st, Mary Pat 2nd to adopt the agenda. Passed 7-0-0.
Reading and approval of minutes from previous meeting: Jesse and Will McVay 1st, Vern 2nd to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes. Passed 7-0-0.
Treasurer’s Report
PayPal: $2136.57
Bank: $2550.18
Total: $4686.75
NCC Report: No Elsmere Parade, as they are only allowing elected officials for Elsmere to participate. We will watch the parade to see that we are not discriminated against (i.e. they allow another political party to participate). Bob Wilson handed off the NCC voter list to Nadine to make calls. We have have a complete list of places to have our monthly socials. We are sorting food for the Sunday Breakfast Mission on Dec. 7th and Dec. 28th. We are also looking into supporting the Westside Coalition in Wilmington hand out food and toys to families and kids respectively on Dec. 18th. Discussion had on what exactly is done and how big a deal it is. Our future outreach events and how we prepare for them (a pocket calendar) discussed, as it provides continuity for future leadership.
Kent Report: Membership really down. Outreach needs to be done. Will is thinking of finding a consistent position on the Dover and Kent County hotel taxes to galvanize people. The elections next year may be a cataylist to get people involved. Discussion had on this, specifically how Senator Trey Paradee took a lot of the blame for the Kent County tax. Invite Trey to a meeting to share his case and attract folks to the meeting. Nadine suggested a postcard campaign.
Sussex Report: Two people at the last Adopt-a-Hwy (Jimmy and Rob). As discussed in our Facebook Messenger log, Sussex County LP thinking of paying for drinks to all folks who participate in Adopt-a-Hwy to get people out. Apple Scrapple went really well, need to follow up on sign-up list.
SMM Committee Report: Dayl suggested that the members meet before the next LPD quarterly meeting.
Old Business
Voter Outreach: September 1725/1733 (+8)
NCCo: 1034/1043 (+9)
KCCo: 319/321 (+2)
SusCo: 372/369 (-3)
Beer Settlement
NCCo was given $20 to NCCLP Chair Nadine Frost for having the most new member sign-ups in the quarter.
Data and Tech Committee
Will suggested making himself official Web Master for the LPD since he has all of the passwords anyway. Sean then suggested having a back-up, like the LPD Secretary, in case something were to happen Will, for safety's sake. There is a system maintained on the LPD's behalf for e-mail for all board members that we can update and use as safety back-ups. Bill suggested establishing a procedure and sharing it with the counties and membership state wide via the PPG. Will 1st, Mary Pat 2nd, to make Will official LPD Web Master. Passed 7-0-0.
Municipal Elections (42): Sean realized as he was talking about this that the 42 elections below may include both 2019 and 2020 elections. Will suggested having all of the county chairs confirm which elections are coming up in their counties and verify them below so the 2019 elections below can be eliminated from the list below.
Delaware City (April)
Elsmere (April/File by end of Jan)
Middletown (March)
New Castle (April/File by February)
Newark (April)
Newport (April)
Odessa (April)
Townsend (May)
Camden (January)
Cheswold (March)
Clayton (April)
Dover (April)
Farmington (March)
Felton (March)
Frederica (March)
Harrington (May)
Hartly (April)
Houston (March)
Leipsic (March)
Little Creek (March)
Magnolia (January/File early November)
Milford (April/File February)
Smyrna (April)
Viola (March)
Woodside (March)
Wyoming (February)
Bethel (February)
Blades (April)
Bridgeville (March)
Dagsboro (December)
Ellendale (January)
Frankford (February)
Georgetown (May)
Greenwood (January)
Laurel (March)
Lewes (May)
Millville (March)
Milton (March)
Seaford (April)
Selbyville (March)
South Bethany (May)
School Boards State Wide (May)
General Election Recruitment Status: The districts
RD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 15, 17, 18, 23, 27, 35, 37, 39, 40
SD (2016) 9, 12, 13, 15, 19
Outreach followup: Mostly covered in the county reports above. We really want to get reusable bags with our logos on it to hand out/sell as swag so that the LPD logo (or other catchy logos) goes all over. There are a lot options. Will made an action item to see if it is available to sell on the LPD online store. We need to find out how much they cost and maybe get a fundraiser going to get the bags going.
PPG Status: Not much progress made on this. CFRS portion needs to be done by January 20th , according to state laws, which Mary Pat has been working on and will have done in time. Bill brought up recording ourselves on how to do the CFRS work for training and Will mentioned the recording software “OBS”, which is free and is widely used, in order to accomplish that. Sean will reach out to other state chairs to see if they have PPGs and CFRS guides and if they would share them. Discussion had on candidates filing CFRS paperwork and how to avoid past pitfalls.
Candidate Guide Status: Mrs. Cara Schultz sent Sean the National LP guide for getting candidates ready. We need to have candidates do their CFRS paperwork properly and make sure to support them all the way.
New Business:
87 Libertarian Wins Nationwide in 2019!
Getting Candidates: Briefly discussed. Let people know how many wins we had in 2019 and get people excited about running.
Membership Mailer: Discussion had on the prices below Sean found, mainly by Nadine and Mary Pat, who have had experience mailing multiple items and postcards in bulk. We can also make phone calls for free, or having the county parties chip in based on their share of registered voters. Vern left at this time (18:32 EST). “We are not ready to do this” was the general consensus. Bill asked how we know we got nine new people, which the answer is through the Commissioner of Elections. Bill then asked if we know who those folks are, which the answer was we we need to check the voter registration. Action Item: Will and Sean to get the latest voter registration and highlight who is new, who is not, and find a better way to reach out to Libertarians on the voter registration list to come out , join us, and run for elections.
Color copies: $0.14x1733=$242.62
Envelopes: $756/2,000
Addressee labels: Need pricing
Ad Hoc Business Review: Sean to follow up with LPPA Chair Steve Sheetz to see if LPMD would like to join LPPA, LPD, and LPNJ join us in setting up the debate (see directly below).
Mid Atlantic Debate
Resolution passed 8-0-1-1 to co-host
7 March 2020 at Renaissance Philadelphia Airport
LPD Annual Convention on 14 March 2020.
We are still looking for potential speakers. LNC At Large Member Josh Smith not available. Looking for other speakers, like Dr. Jim Lark or Mr. Bob Johnson.
Tickets are $20/each
More details forthcoming
2020 Convention
14 March 2020, KC Theatre Guild
Lunch/Social Hour at Noon, Business at 1
PotUS Candidates
We can still invite presidential candidates to come to our convention if they are willing to stay in the area for a week.
Declared Delaware Candidates: Nadine Frost – US Senate
Prospectives: LPD Chair Sean Gower and all three county chairs will follow up with former candidates to see if they want to run again.
Scott Gesty
Nadine will contact Scott about running again.
Bill Hinds
Bill shared that he has had Republicans approached him to run for them. They are not willing to help until he pays in first (“have skin in the game”). It was suggested that Bill have them pay his filing fee first to see if they will meet him halfway, as the Libertarian Party of Delaware will put him on their voter line for free. Bill can show them that he has “skin in the game” with the money he has saved and all the work he has done. If Bill runs as a republican, it would take ¾ of the LPD state board to keep him as an official LPD member. As long as Bill is a LP National member, he is still a Libertarian. Jesse brought up that the republicans had trouble getting Lee Murphy elected over Scott Walker in the U.S. Rep. primary in 2018, so the republicans may not be able to really help Bill. Will suggested making sure Bill is the LPD nominee first and the filing deadline passes, the county parties can appoint a nominee (a two-tier nomination) without collecting a filing fee. For the record, Bill is already a declared candidate for RD 27.
Amy Merlino
Nadine will contact Amy about running again.
Jimmy Brittingham
Sean will contact Jimmy about running again.
Rob Smouse
Sean will contact Rob about running again.
Cody McNutt
Nadine will contact Cody about running again.
University of Delaware Debates: Dayl brought up his discussion with the lady in charge of the debates and how he was shut down because of their criteria. Nadine then went on to explain her experience as a U of D book store owner and how she and the book store legally proved that the U of D is a public school to have access to textbooks. Sean then brought up what has already happened legally with Gary Johnson and the debates. It was suggested that we research their criteria for debate access and be prepared to go to court if necessary.
Next Meeting: Tentative 8 February. Dayl called John Machurek to get his input. Couldn't get a hold of him, so Will made a motion, Nadine 2nd, to have the next meeting on February 8th at 17:00, February 2nd the alternative , if John Machurek can make it, otherwise have the meeting on February 8th at 17:00. Passed 5-0-1.
Adjournment: Will 1st, Mary Pat 2nd to adjourn. Passed 6-0-0. Meeting adjourned at 19:28 EST.
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