Dear Fellow LPD Members and Friends,
Greetings! We have some exciting events coming up that you won't want to miss to help spread the message of liberty, help others, and have some fun along the way!
- The Kent County Libertarian Party (KCLP) Social (Friday, August 27th, 19:00-22:00): The KCLP will be meeting at Fraizer's (9 E Loockerman St, Dover, DE 19901) for a social. For more information, please contact KCLP Chair Will McVay at will DOT mcvay AT lpdelaware DOT org.
- Sunday Breakfast Mission Grass Cutting (Saturday, August 28th, 09:00-12:00): We'll be meeting at the Sunday Breakfast Mission (SBM) at 9am to help them take care of their lawn. The SBM is one of the few local charities that do not take any government handouts, so helping them really shows others that completely voluntary organizations can do amazing things! In fact, I ran into Alex Close, SBM Director of Projects and Development and he told me just how helpful the LPD and NCCLP members are in meeting their goals. Thank you folks! Let's keep up the good work of voluntary association and helping those in need! If you would like to sign up, contact LPD Secretary at dayl DOT thomas AT lpdelaware DOT org.
- NCCLP End of the Summer BBQ (Saturday, August 28th, 17:00-21:00): The NCCLP is having a big end of the summer bar-b-que at Wheelys in New Castle (791 Frenchtown Rd E., New Castle, DE 19720) and we want you there! We have secured a beer and wine license for the event (one day we'll get rid of these, but for the time being...), so come out to enjoy great drinks, great, food, lots of fellowship with fellow liberty-lovers, and lots of other great things! You can find out more information here:
- Weedstock (Friday, Sept. 17th to Saturday, Sept. 18th): The NCCLP will have a table at this event at Firebase Lloyd (474 Flemings Landing Rd., Townsend, DE 19734)! Come out and help support ending the drug war. More information can be found here:
- LP Region 8 Affiliate and Campaign Training (Saturday, October 9th 09:00 to October 10th 15:00): The National LP is holding training for affiliate parties and their members. It's in nearby Atlantic City, NJ. Find out more information and register here:
- Apple Scrapple (Saturday, October 9th, 09:00-21:00): The Sussex County Libertarian Party (SCLP) will be holding a booth at the annual Apple Scrapple event in Bridgeville, DE ( Please come out to support the SCLP spreading the word of liberty and the LP! If interested in helping out, please contact SCLP Chair Jimmy Brittingham at jimmyjambrittingham AT gmail DOT com.
Check out our other county sites ( and back here for more events and information. We look forward to having you join us!
Very Respectfully,
Dayl Thomas
LPD Secretary