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On SB172: "Constitutional Carry" in Delaware

Comments from the Chair on SB172 before the Delaware Senate Judiciary Committee:

My name is Will McVay, State Chair for the Libertarian Party of Delaware.

I'm here today to speak in favor of SB172. The Libertarian Party of Delaware supports every individual's right to self defense while also recognizing that many people do not wish to openly carry firearms or other weapons in public due to the stigma attached and out of respect for the intimidation others may feel knowing they are armed. Widespread concealed carry of weapons provides an additional deterrent to criminals who cannot know if their intended victim might be armed vs open carry.

The requirements in Delaware Law for the concealed carry of so-called deadly weapons present an obstacle to widespread concealed carry and the penalties for failing to meet those requirements are steep.

I myself was arrested and charged with a felony several years ago for allegedly carrying a concealed deadly weapon due to an extensible police baton that had rolled under the seat of my car, which i kept due to my job at the time delivering food for Wings To Go in Newark following several robberies of my coworkers. The charge was dismissed, but not everyone is as privileged as I am and instead suffer much more dire consequences for exercising their right to self defense.

Please release this bill with a favorable recommendation and pass it into law.

Thank you.